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Globalization concept


Let’s Succeed Together

New technologies can disrupt industries, shifting a market almost overnight. The businesses that plan ahead for emerging technologies are the most prepared to adopt the best solutions at the right time to thrive in today's global economy.


The 2KETC team provides specialist advice, leadership, and insight in a variety of emerging technology fields. We make technology innovation real for our clients and help ease the navigation of today's problems.



Professional Consulting

2K Emerging Technologies Consulting specializes in engaging and informing clients to focus business growth and innovation for tomorrow's challenges. We have more than a decade of experience delivering exceptional products to help clients improve operations, weather market shocks, and position themselves for revenue growth in emerging sectors. Our expertise includes:


Quantum Computing: Quantum computing will create value of more than $400 billion annually by 2040. How quantum computing will create business value and changes in the markets and business environment should be at the forefront of business leaders’ minds today.


​Synthetic Biology: Synthetic biology will enabling newer and more precise medicines and treatments, particularly in gene therapy. Synthetic biology applications also include numerous other fields, such as agriculture and horticulture.


​Artificial Intelligence: Artificial Intelligence as a field is showing applications in almost every field, including automotive, private space industry, medicine, and computing.


​The Internet of Things: The inter-connectivity to all devices and databases in increasing at an exponential rate. Companies need to be informed to improve productivity, safety, as well as revenue.


​Aerospace: The growing private space sector is leading to innovations and breakthroughs in every sector. New technologies and opportunities in travel, communication, connectivity, and transportation are created every day in this field.


Robotics: The global market for robotics is projected to reach $100 billion by 2035, with the potential to transform many sectors, particularly manufacturing and construction.


Why 2KET Consulting?

Working with 2KET Consulting has Resulted in Growth and Market Breakthroughs for our Clients

2KET Consulting has strong ties with leading scientists, academics, and industry leaders working on the technologies of tomorrow.  We have insight into fields before they have fully developed, and provide research and guidance to help our clients obtain a competitive advantage.Our clients do not hide from the future, but want to define it.

Warehouse Robot


We helped a medium sized manufacturing client develop a strategy pivot and implement new procedures to reverse its struggles during the global pandemic. The result: $5 million annual losses transformed into a profitable 2021 and beyond.

Space Satellite

Communication Integration

A startup communication client servicing the Africa market attempted to develop and deploy a space-based communication satellites with limited success.  We helped them plan and execute an ambition design plan resulting in a quick turnaround in development and future planned deployment of devices in the near future. They not only achieved their target goals, but also improved the quality and speed of delivery, and made automation a core part of the business going forward.


2K Emerging Technologies Consulting

8 Hillside Road, Parktown, Johannesburg, South Africa

+27 11 480 4800

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